Posts tagged ‘Paul W.S. Anderson’


The funniest bit in Resident Evil: Retribution…

by wfgodbold

Was when Alice (Milla Jovovich) handed another character a gun,* and said “Do you know how to use one of these?”

The response?

“I campaigned for gun control!”

“But do you know how to use it?”

“You don’t understand! I marched against the NRA!”

This conversation, of course, happens in the downtime in between killing zombies and running for their lives.

Once the zombies are at the door, it’s well past time to give up on gun control.

As far as the rest of the movie goes; if you’re the kind of person who watched the other Resident Evil movies, you’re the target audience. And you had better go see it, since Paul W.S. Anderson said that if it does well enough, he’ll make a sixth movie, and that will be the finale!

*KRISS got their money’s worth with their product placement, for sure.


What do you mean the original novel didn’t have airships?

by wfgodbold

Paul W.S. Anderson’s vision of Dumas’s seminal work, The Three Musketeers, takes a few liberties with the source material.

The director of such classic films as Mortal Kombat, all four of the Resident Evil films, Soldier, Alien vs. Predator, and the remake of Death Race, Anderson brings his own … distinctive approach to the much-adapted novel.

It’s not going to win critical acclaim, but it does keep the action just shy of unbelievable; if you liked any of the above films, you’d probably enjoy his take on D’Artagnan and company, and their struggles against Richelieu (portrayed by Cristoph Waltz) and Milady de Winter (Milla Jovovich).

It was an excellent excuse to turn my brain off and enjoy the show.

And besides, it has airships! Everyone likes airships!

I bet if he’d thought of it, Dumas would have included them in the original…