Archive for August 30th, 2011


No wonder the Greeks made Socrates drink hemlock

by wfgodbold

They were probably sick of his damn method. If I’m not sick of endless questions by the time I finish law school, I may need to be committed.

I’ve not yet been called on in any classes yet, though I think the gunner has identified himself (no, it’s not me; I subscribe to the “keep your mouth shut” school of learning).

The reading hasn’t been too bad (yet); ~60 pages a night per class, and I’ve been doing rough briefs while reading, so I can finish each class’s reading/briefing in a couple hours. With two classes each day (six classes this semester, each meets twice a week), that’s not too difficult to do.

I expect it to get worse, though. I’d’ve gotten along great with Diogenes.