Archive for August 18th, 2011


So, per the Krugman, we need an alien threat to unite us and get us out of this recession…

by wfgodbold

But said alien threat is likely to wipe us out on account of carbon emissions?

Is this some kind of Catch-22?

I wonder if the Paul Krugman put them up to this…

Via Allahpundit.


Atlantean Sword

by wfgodbold

Tomorrow, the newly remade sword and sorcery epic adventure, Conan the Barbarian, hits theaters (starring Drogo of Game of Thrones as the eponymous barbarian); today’s track is from the 1982 film starring the erstwhile governor of California (and James Earl Jones!).

The reboot (thankfully they did not try to get the Governator to reprise his role) is getting mixed reviews; apparently it hews closer to the dark, pulpy nature of Robert E. Howard’s original tales than to the campy Arnold version.

A welcome change, if you ask me (though I’m still waiting for Solomon Kane to come out in the US (futilely, I fear)).

What is best in life?


Remind me never to go to Philly

by wfgodbold

What the hell is going on with their “spontaneous” mob beat downs?

The eminent Czar of Muscovy has his own theory, but I’m not sure how plausible it is.

Maybe part of the problem (in Philly, at least) is that the police are grinding their jackboots on the neck of the law abiding instead of doing their damn jobs.

Carry your guns, people (assuming you can do so without running afoul of the hodgepodge of laws we’re stuck with). If you can carry standard-capacity magazines, do so; your pocket nine isn’t going to last long if you get attacked by a huge mob.

Of course, avoiding places plagued by this kind of violence is the best way to avoid getting beat down; sometimes, that’s not possible.