Archive for August 3rd, 2011


There are FOUR lights!

by wfgodbold




Pitch Black Intrusion

by wfgodbold

In Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow, Soma Cruz returns as the protagonist; Dracula’s castle has returned again, and he’s the only one who can stop it!

I would say Dracula never learns, but if you played the last game Soma Cruz was in (Aria of Sorrow for the GBA), you know that’s not really the case here.

That doesn’t mean that there aren’t Dracula-worshipping cults out there aiming to bring about his rebirth! They’ve conspired to bring the castle back early yet again (it must be really easy to pull that off), and Soma and his friends have to stop them.


At least the Washington Post is consistent.

by wfgodbold

Apparently because the Norway shooter used standard capacity magazines, we must ban them here (H/T Gabriel Malor). Left unsaid is whether this ban would be for the children or not, but it’s a safe assumption, I think.

I especially like the whining tone they take at the end of the editorial:

There was a brief period of sanity in this country when high-capacity magazines were prohibited as part of an assault weapons ban. That ban expired in 2004; aWashington Post review of Virginia records showed that the number of high-capacity magazines used in crimes jumped dramatically in that state after the ban lapsed. Legislation introduced by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) to ban the sale of high-capacity magazines has been stalled since she introduced it shortly after the Tucson massacre. The terrible events in Norway ought to kick-start the measure.

Ah, yes, that “brief period of sanity … when high-capacity magazines were prohibited…”

Except they were never actually “prohibited.” The sale of new magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds was only allowed to law enforcement and the military, but as long as your magazines were made before the start date of the ban, you could have as many as you wanted. You could even sell them to other people!

No law was going to stop Brevik from perpetrating his massacre; he joined a gun club back in 2005, just in case his plans to buy black market guns elsewhere in Europe fell through and he had to buy his firearms in Norway.

And the UK, everyone’s favorite poster-child for gun control, still can’t stop people from getting automatic weapons. Handguns are banned. Automatic guns are banned. I suppose that makes automatic handguns double banned, and yet they still had one.

The Washington Post has never been interested in letting facts get in the way of shilling for their preferred policies.


Apparently we on the right never criticize the police

by wfgodbold

And reserve our ire for teachers, instead.

Lawrence O’Donnell of MSNBC said:

The worst teacher in America could never do as much damage as the worst police officer in America. But the right wing has never even been slightly curious about evaluating the job performance of police officers. Never once has Republican world said hey, maybe we should look into how police officers are carrying out their solemn public responsibility to serve and protect.

No — no right wing website in America is investigating or will ever investigate how well police officers do their jobs. [emphasis added at Reason]

That’s news to me. And it would be news to the people writing at Reason, to Radley Balko, and to the many gunbloggers out there who keep posting about the crazy shit cops get away with.

And that would certainly be news to everyone looking in to Fast and Furious. Hell, the only people interested in investigating the ATF (or do they not count as cops?) are on the right.

Is this that epistemic closure thing I keep hearing about?