Archive for August 8th, 2011


Holy crap!

by wfgodbold

I knew the riots in London were out of hand, but this looks more like something you’d see in a third world nation (or possibly Detroit):

If you’re in London, do what you can to stay safe and defend yourself. This is the third night of rioting, and from those pictures, I don’t know that the rioters and looters are planning on stopping any time soon.

The Dolists want their BLS increased, and they’re willing to do whatever it takes.

Update: Kevin Baker has some more pics, along with pics from the LA riots in ’92 for comparison. Note the Korean shopkeepers along the roof of their store, prepared to defend it (something impossible in the UK thanks to the near total ban on firearms).


Truth in Webcomics

by wfgodbold

Gabe and Tycho have a point:

Especially regarding the tendency of gamers to raise holy hell complaining about all manner of slights and problems, only to buy the game the instant it releases, anyway.

Fortunately, Runic Games is planning on bringing Torchlight II out this year, and presumably you’ll be able to play the single player component without a persistent connection (the first game had no multiplayer, so it wasn’t an issue). Torchlight played almost exactly like Diablo II (in fact, it was created by a bunch of former Diablo II developers who ditched Blizzard to make their own company). Runic’s customer service also blows Blizzard’s out of the water.

Who knows when Blizzard will finish Diablo III? While I’ll be tempted to buy it, I’m going to do my damnedest to at least hold out until it’s discounted. They took what would have been a day one purchase and ruined it (and I say this as someone who’s played Diablo II off and on since its release (which was back in ’00)).


Main Theme – Side Birdy –

by wfgodbold

Poor Tsutomu Senkawa. There he was, minding his own business exploring some abandoned buildings, when he accidentally wandered into the fight between an alien cop and the alien fugitive she was chasing. Now his body’s been destroyed, and Birdy (the alien cop) is keeping his personality/consciousness in her own head until the Federation has rebuilt his body.

So begins Birdy the Mighty: Decode, and what follows is an interesting look at what it would be like having to live a double life as a human male teenage student and a female alien supercop (who happens to have a cover identity as an up and coming idol).

I’m midway through the second season; the first was pretty good, and so far the second is, too (though she’s chasing more fugitives than before; it still works out to a bad guy of the week style forumulation).


Zimbabwe, here we come!

by wfgodbold

Worried about default? No problem!

The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default.

And here I used to think Alan Greenspan knew what he was doing.

I’m beginning to think that economists just make this shit up as they go along, to justify their preconceived notions (just like the rest of us, in fact).