Lucky Gunner Blogger Shoot link roundup

by wfgodbold

I’m sure more people have posted their impressions, photos, videos, and such about this weekend’s festivities, but if you’re too lazy to search for them yourself, I’ve collected a few below:

I’ll update periodically as I find more reports; I think it’s winding down today/tonight, so by Monday or Tuesday I should have several more links. Enjoy!

Update 1: Uncle reveals that the various targets were loaded up with tannerite!

Update 2: Sean brings us a video demonstrating the Kriss Vector, along with his impressions of the gun.

Update 3: Oleg has posted some of his commentary and photos. I’m sure more will be forthcoming.

Update 4: Comments and links to videos from Les Jones.

Update 5: A couple pics from Uncle; an “after” shot of the targets from My Gun Culture; and seven more full auto videos from Les Jones.

Update 6: A day two writeup from Sebastian.

Update 7: Photos and impressions from Old NFO.

Update 8: Lucky Gunner provide stats on how many rounds were fired, how many targets were destroyed, and a list of all the bloggers who attended.


2 Comments to “Lucky Gunner Blogger Shoot link roundup”

    • Thanks for the heads up!

      Looks like y’all had a great time; thanks for all the videos and pics. It almost makes up for not being able to head out there myself.

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