Archive for May 13th, 2011


Nice to see that Texas is lowering their Brady score a bit

by wfgodbold

The other day they voted to allow licensed concealed carry on campus. This has, of course, prompted hysterics from people who don’t know any better (H/T Sebastian (I highlighted the idiocy in a similar CNN editorial back at the start of March)). To balance that out, here’s an article in favor written by a Texan college student.

I doubt anything will come of this; every time an easing of restrictions is proposed, the anti-gunners howl that we’ll have blood in the streets. Utah has had campus carry for a few years now, and if there’s been blood in the streets, the press have decided to cover it up.

Unfortunately, my state is not so liberal; the rights of faculty, staff, and students are abridged while they’re on campus. Given my recent matriculation, this affects me more than it might have before; hopefully no whackjob will waltz right through the gun-free-zone force field (for more on gun free zones, David Kopel has an article) surrounding campus one day and decide to shoot up the law school.

Between this and their parking lot bill, they should be nearly down to zero


The Silver Heroes (白銀の勇者達)

by wfgodbold

Tales of Versus, Namco’s foray into the world of cross-game battle royale beat-’em-ups, features characters from thirteen Tales of games.

Heroes and villains, together at last, united in goal!

And that goal is the fight for the fruit of the world tree, Yggdrasil (Hey, it’s a Tales of game; it’s got to have Norse myth somewhere).

Namco certainly knows their target market, that’s for sure; the game got 32/40 in Famitsu, and sold more than 130,000 copies in its first week.

While music from the other games was arranged for use in this ensemble production, the following track is original to Tales of Versus.

I think.


Quote of the Indeterminate Time Interval – Stan

by wfgodbold

On the news that the Second Amendment Foundation is suing in Virginia so that DC residents might be able to buy guns, he said:

One day we will discover that Alan Gura is a robot sent back from the future to protect the rights of all sentient beings.

The lone (aside from Josh Sugarmann of VPC infamy) licensed firearm dealer in DC has shut down, so now residents have no way to purchase handguns (per federal law, handguns may only be sold to residents of the state in which they are purchased).

So while DC might now allow registration and ownership of handguns, it’s a moot point; the residents have no way to legally obtain them, resulting in a de facto ban.

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