Archive for May 12th, 2011


How magnanimous…

by wfgodbold

Our betters have deigned to allow our only slightly betters to look at the photos of the raid wherein bin Laden was killed.

For someone who claimed that we’re not going to “spike the football,” President Obama sure has been gloating about his decision to kill OBL.

Now, if a Republican had been president while OBL was killed, it would have been turned into a campaign talking point immediately, so I can’t blame Obama for doing that. But to claim that we’re not going to spike the football while talking about how he was the one to make the gutsy call to end the OBL problem is a bit disingenuous.

As far as photos being used as a propaganda tool, I’m more conflicted; radical Islamists already hate us and want to kill us (are they going to try to kill us twice?), so it’s not like it could get much worse.

The photos will come to light eventually; better for everyone that we get it out of the way now, than to let the Islamists cool off (if that’s even possible) before just inflaming them once more with the photos’ release.

On a lighter note


Overdosing Heavenly Bliss

by wfgodbold

Trails in the Sky the 3rd (oh, those crazy Japanese and their random English) is (obviously) the third game in the Trails in the Sky subseries, and the installment immediately preceeding Trails of Zero.

I believe it’s also the last of the three Trails games XSeed currently has the rights to; given their good relationship with Falcom, I wouldn’t be surprised if they brought out Trails of Zero and Trails of Blue, eventually.

After all, Trails in the Sky: FC (for “first chapter;” I don’t know why Falcom used “FC” and “SC” for the first two games, only to change it up by going to “the 3rd” for the third) only recently came out in the US, and Trails in the Sky: SC is twice as long!


On a more personal note…

by wfgodbold

This August I’ll be starting the JD program at the REDACTED School of Law.

I’m going to try to keep blogging once classes start, though my gaming time will be nonexistent.

The focus of the blog should remain the same, for the most part; I’ll probably end up spending more time talking about the law and law school than anything else, and the Daily Game OST Selection will probably become somewhat more … infrequent.

To wit, I have added a new “Law School” category, the better to keep all of this nonsense straight.

In the meantime, I’m out of town until mid-Monday; I have some posts scheduled, and will be on twitter via my phone (I’ll have my netbook as well, but don’t know how much internet time I’ll have), but I don’t know that I’ll get too many timely posts done. Maybe a few pictures here and there, but nothing substantial.


They know our true names, and now they have power over us…

by wfgodbold

The power to make us laugh, anyway.

The CSGV must have some super-sleuths employed, cause they’re doing a bang-up job ferreting out the real identities of various gun bloggers. Robb decided he’d beat them to it, just in case they weren’t up to revealing his secret identity. Barbara Scott thinks finding out who Joe Huffman really is might be too much for them).

Sebastian is willing to call a truce, but even if they accept, I don’t think they’ll stick to it for very long. Look at how long the “new civility” lasted.

And it’s not like they’ve never made threats before

I’m not sure why; are they trying to shame us into giving up, or are they hoping to intimidate us?

Either way, this smacks of desperation.