Archive for May 25th, 2011


I can’t decide which I dislike more

by wfgodbold

That a guy who refused entry to the police (when they had no warrant) had the door kicked in and was shot, or that the TSA can threaten to shut down all flights in Texas in a fit of pique because the TX legislature would dare tell them not to molest travelers.

The police are not your friends.

The TSA is not your friend.

I need a stiff drink.



by wfgodbold

Two months until ATLUS’s latest hits the US market, and Love is Over.

My post on Catherine’s Japanese PSN demo has garnered quite a few hits, and I’m not above exploiting that with a daily game OST selection.

I still haven’t played the full game; the demo was entertaining, and I’m leaning towards buying Catherine when it’s released here (though I’m more likely to buy the standard edition). My mind hasn’t been entirely made up, though.

Pandemonium is a tense track. I’ve no idea when in the game it plays (the demo was only a couple levels, after all), but I’d bet on it being the background music to a tense stage.

I’m probably wrong, though. Given the number of OST tracks on youtube from the game, the cutscenes and stages have a wide variety of music, from Holst’s Planets to Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus, with all manner of video game music in between.


Quote of the Indeterminate Time Interval – Say Uncle

by wfgodbold

Regarding the Washington Times’s article on Obamacare waivers, Say Uncle said:

Selective enforcement of Obamacare indicates it’s a bad law for everyone. Selective enforcement of the law is the first sign of tyranny.

I’m inclined to agree; while this might be a bit hyperbolic, it’s also true. Unelected bureaucrats with no accountability deciding whether some people must obey the law while others get a pass might not fit the classical definition of tyranny, but it’s just as destructive to the rule of law.

The more this becomes commonplace, the more we gain a government of men and not laws.