Archive for June 9th, 2011


How I became interested in guns

by wfgodbold

Since it’s all the rage among gunbloggers right now, I thought I’d chip in with my own unremarkable story.

Growing up, we didn’t have any guns in the house; I’d fired a rifle and shotgun at Boy Scout camp, but that was it. Most of my friends in high school hunted, but our family didn’t. It was just one of those things.

A few years ago, my apartment was burgled and ransacked; the only thing taken was my PlayStation 2 (with the memory card and game; I was more pissed about the loss of the memory card than the console itself), but when the thief left, he left behind his crowbar.

It didn’t sink in immediately, but if I’d been home, he could have done some real damage with it; I have no desire to play a headcrab to any criminal’s Gordon Freeman.

I called the cops after the burglary, but nothing ever came of it. I assume the thief tried to sell the PS2. I doubt he got much for it (it was a Japanese model, and the PS2 is region-locked), so even though I lost hundreds of hours of save data (I’d had the PS2 for ~5 years at this point), I still had the last laugh. Kind of.

My parents also suffered a break-in around the same time (while they were present), but the would-be thief spooked and ran off.

A few years later (during the 2008 election, actually), I was clicking around on various blogs and news sites, and eventually learned that the police have no duty to protect you. This spurred my interest in self-defense (well, that and reading One Second After in the spring following the election).

Unfortunately, I was living in New York at the time, and after reading the various laws, I decided it would be easier not to bother. Too many hoops to jump through, and it would be too easy to fall afoul of some regulation or other (which is the point; if gun ownership becomes too onerous, then fewer people will buy guns). I wasn’t keen on going, hat in hand, to the government to ask for permission to buy a handgun.

After moving back to Arkansas, I did some reading, and signed up for a concealed carry class.  I bought my first gun (a Bersa Thunder .380 CC), and then followed that up with a couple of AR-15 lower receivers. A few months after that (after realizing how expensive .380 ammo was; I didn’t research as thoroughly as I’d thought), I bought a P226 classic .22, and then I was hooked.

Reading various gun blogs has turned me into more of a libertarian than I was before; given how the government has treated the 2nd amendment, it’s easy to see how other basic rights could be abrogated. I don’t know that I’d call it a road to Damascus moment, but it’s pretty close.

If the government can’t be trusted to obey “shall make no law,” “shall not be infringed,” or “shall not be violated,”  when it’s spelled out plainly, why can it be trusted to obey other limitations on its power?



by wfgodbold

If you’ve watched anime on the Cartoon Network in the past decade, you’ve seen at least one or two episodes of the classic sci-fi series Cowboy Bebop.

The series follows the misadventures of a rag-tag group of bounty hunters as they try to make their way in the solar system a couple hundred years in the future.

It’s violent, and funny, and worth watching even if you’re not a fan of anime.

The show ran for 26 episodes (and a movie), and the proposed live-action movie is plagued by budget problems and rewrites.

Most of Cowboy Bebop’s music is excellent, but the most recognizable piece is the jazz opening, Tank!


Exxon’s found ~700 million gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico

by wfgodbold

They estimate.

Hopefully they’ll be allowed to drill for it, especially given OPEC’s refusal to up production.

You can’t be picky when drilling for oil; you have to drill where the oil is, or it doesn’t work.

Maybe those claims that we’ve got more fossil fuels available than we ever estimated had something to them after all.

I’m sure this won’t help our so-called “addiction to oil.”

Marko has a great response to that turn of phrase (NSFW: blue language): we’re not addicted to oil, we’re addicted to being able to drive where we want, when we want, with whatever passengers and cargo we want, to do what we want.

No one cares what we have to put in the car to make that happen.

Fill ‘er up with electric goo and turn me loose!


As if we needed another reason to advocate for the abolition of the Dept. of Ed.

by wfgodbold

That SWAT raid they performed the other day?

The warrant was for proof of secondary education and and copies of financial aid applications (H/T Uncle). They were to get records and electronic equipment. None of that is in any danger of being flushed down the toilet.

Just because you have a SWAT team doesn’t mean you have to use them to serve warrants; that’s not what they’re for.

This wasn’t a hostage or terrorist situation, and this was certainly not a “high risk … search warrant.”

If this is reasonable, then we truly are living in a police state.

But hey, at least they didn’t kill the guy in a hail of gunfire like the Pima County SWAT team did to Jose Guerena.