Archive for June 18th, 2011


Theme of Battle

by wfgodbold

Tales of Destiny 2, the true sequel to Tales of Destiny (not to be confused with Tales of Eternia, which was released in the US as Tales of Destiny 2 because of copyright issues with the word Eternia), was never localized for release in the US or Europe.

It’s set 18 years after the events of Tales of Destiny, and the main character is the son of Stahn, Tales of Destiny’s main character.

Motoi Sakuraba’s style lends itself well to battle music, and the arrangement of the game’s first battle theme is especially good.


Hey, it’s my blog…

by wfgodbold

And if I want to take a break from ranting about the economy, the militarization of the police, guns, and everything else to talk about Tales of Xillia, that’s my right!

The first commercial (images taken from andriasang)has hit the airwaves in Japan; with roughly 2.5 months to go until release, Namco’s doing what they can to build demand. They’re hyping the game as celebrating 15 years of Tales games.

It also plays up the preorder bonuses you get; a random of four keychains, several themes for the PS3, and DLC costumes for Jude and Millia (Cress for Jude, and Stahn for Millia).

They can’t show much in the 15s the commercial lasts, but we see anime shots of the party characters (presumably from the opening movie), and several battle clips.

The commercial ends with 「揺るぎなき信念が未来を切り開く」; “Unwavering conviction will clear the way to the future.”

Each Tales of game is a JRPG, but Namco makes up their own specific subgenre for each game; Tales of Xillia is an “RPG of Unwavering Convictions” (Phantasia was a “Legendary RPG,” Destiny was an “RPG of Destiny,” and Vesperia was an “RPG to Enforce ‘Justice'”).