Archive for June 6th, 2011


As usual, the truth will out

by wfgodbold

And just as most people expected, Weiner’s twitter account wasn’t hacked.

Given yfrog and twitter’s reactions, I’m not surprised at all.

After the revelation, the twittersphere (twitterverse?) was abuzz with dick jokes and scorn, especially since Weiner isn’t going to be resigning his position in Congress.

Apparently, this isn’t Weiner’s first transgression, it’s merely the first time he’s been caught.

I don’t think he broke any laws (though this certainly raises very serious questions about his judgement), and there aren’t any laws that would make horndog congressmen less likely to act out.

The burden of living in a free society is that you have to take responsibility for your actions. It’s best if you do so immediately; if you lie, it’s only going to make it worse for you in the long run (especially if your lies are easily proven to be such).

Remember, kids; once something is on the internet, it will never, ever, ever go away.



I don’t know if I’d say it was a “first class” movie…

by wfgodbold

Even if it is right there in X-Men: First Class’s title.

As far as prequels/reboots go, it wasn’t bad. Since I never read more than a few of the comic books growing up (to my unending shame, I assure you), I didn’t recognize all of the mutants featured, but those that I did were mostly well portrayed.

It was interesting seeing Xavier and Erik’s friendship in their youth, but they did seem to try to cram a few too many origin stories into the film; like my friend Ryan said, if they’d focused on a couple in this film, and then a few more in a sequel, they could’ve gotten two good movies out of it without being as rushed.

That said, it was enjoyable. I’ve seen far worse comic book movies (Hulk, Daredevil, Elektra, both Fantastic Four films (I could go on and on, really)), and it’s really a credit to Marvel’s film studio that we can complain that the X-Men reboot isn’t as good as the Avengers film series is shaping up to be. Instead of whining about how bad the adaption is, we get to whine about how it’s not as good as their other properties!

I will agree with the Gormogons’ Czar of Muscovy; it was nice seeing the US as a force for good (mostly).

The movie makes good use of the single f-bomb allowed (it is rated PG-13, after all), and that line ties with one Erik (Magneto) utters at the climax of the film for the best line (and it really cuts to the heart of why Magneto does what he does, why he believes what he believes, and the lengths to which is he is prepared to go to achieve his goals).


Filgaia (ファルガイア)

by wfgodbold

While the opening is good, the real gem in the Wild Arms Alter Code: F soundtrack is the overworld theme music.

Into the Wilderness might have been inspired by Ennio Morricone’s spaghetti western scores, but Filgaia flat out steals them.


And while it might be little more than a ripoff of The Ecstasy of Gold, Filgaia is still an excellent ripoff. Not as somber as the original, but still good in its own way.


Exactly how bad is the deficit problem?

by wfgodbold

It’s way down in this article, but the money quote (heh) is:

According to the Treasury Department, the national debt increased $1.652 trillion in the last fiscal year, while federal receipts were $2.0377 trillion.

That means that roughly 44¢ of every dollar the government spends is borrowed. I know it was a couple months ago, but the cuts the GOP and Dems were quibbling over are minuscule in comparison to the size of the deficit.

President Obama also says that the key to balancing the budget isn’t cutting spending, but is eliminating tax cuts and breaks for the wealthiest 2% of Americans.

That makes for a pretty soundbite; after all, if the rich are only 2% of the population, it’s easy to rouse the other 98% and get them frothing at the mouth for their piece of the pie.

Too bad it won’t work. Iowahawk and Bill Whittle already showed that if you confiscated the entire material wealth of the US, liquidated it, and used it to pay for federal spending, it would cover one year’s worth.

You can’t borrow half of the money you spend and expect to do well. That we’ve managed to do so for as long as we have is incredible. The gravy train is about to go off the rails, and those in power aren’t doing enough to stop it.